Tuesday 5 February 2008

time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana

Time stood there in a Blue Long Hat, not a cape, I assure you.
And in his long outstretched hand, the fingers curling ever so slightly, nails stretching into the oblivion, and coming back, in perfect infinity, he held a Staff! But this was not Any staff. It was not any staff at all! (Most staff are rather dull personages who dress in stripy shirts and drool over time, time and time again...) No, this was the Staff of Time. And from the depths of darkness, Time would echo time, and all would be understood (except why Time had a Blue Long Hat...).

He actually doesn't do much. He does actually just stand there. Nobody really interrupts him, except maybe Augustine, but then Time just used his pink fluffy bunny rabbit shoes (the one called 'left') and tickled 'ickle Augustie's ear and sent him spiralling down through a timely abysm.

I like Abysms.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    How are you? I hope you are good and enjoying yourself. Sorry I haven't talked to you in ages. *hugs*

    I hope to hear from you soon :)
